CBLR Event


For Your Security This Workshop Will Close in 90 minutes.


Q-A1. Please enter the following for the Event/Workshop Leader: First Name, Last Name
First Name:

Last Name:

Q-A2. Email Address of Workshop Leader


Q1. Name of Event:

Q2. Description of Event (This will appear in the Schedule if selected):

Q3. List authors who will participate in this event:

Q4. What is the maximum capacity this event can hold? Guestimate:


Q5. Will you need audio/video assistance for the event: micrphone, speakers, etc.?
No, none will be needed
Yes, but I will bring the AV equipment
Yes, I will need microphone & speakers
Yes, I will need a projector.

Q6. We would like an event to have refreshments. The event as you have proposed it will it have refreshments?
No Refreshments
Yes, it will be a treat like cookies that I will bring prepackaged for participants.
Yes, the event will need light refreshements. Please send a quote for the number of participants for this event.
Yes, the event will need a meal. Please send a quote for the number of participants for this event.

Q7. Are you looking for others authors to partner with to help you with this event?
No, the event is complete. No additional members are needed.
Yes, I am looking for more authors for 3 more authors.
Yes, I am looking for more authors for 2 more authors.
Yes, I am looking for more authors for 1 more authors.

Q8. Do Not Edit this field: Selected #

Q9. Do Not Edit this field: Start Time of Event:


Q10. Do Not Edit this field: End Time of Event

Q11. Do Not Edit this field: Day of Event

Q12. Do Not Edit: Room/Venue Number

Q13. Additional Comments:

Submit Information

Please go back and take a look at any questions you need to review prior to clicking the Submit button. Once the button is clicked, this information will be submitted in the System.

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